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Excellent furnished apartment for investment in vacation rental Playa del Carmen
Excellent for investment in vacation rental or housing.
The development is located on 5th avenue in Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo. It has the necessary urban infrastructure for its operation.

Pedestrian and vehicular access is through the 5th. avenue. The project is embodied as a housing unit made up of 50 apartments and 35 rooms, as well as private areas and common areas:
- Infinity pools
- Paddle court with sea view
-Pool bar
-Rooftop bar
- Common bathrooms
- Horizontal circulations
- Elevator
- Machine room
- Parking lot
- Green areas
- Commercial premises

Designed to facilitate the experience of vacation rentals to owners, with the purpose of
Manage the property and maximize income and investment returns, providing the best service to guests. We focus on the correct attention to the traveler, which we reach through various digital means to promote and achieve the highest occupancy rate. This translates to higher ROI and better reviews.

Discounts depending on the down payment

*Prices may change without notice

Delivery March 2024 - SKU: 0B92-4F60

Información de la zona

Son los puntos más cercanos al inmueble en un rango de 2km.
Esc. Sec. Gral ko'oten kaambal
23 mins - 1,770 metros